All Feathers

Feathers are hot right now. Feather lashes that is. Longer, thicker, fuller, Feathers…You may ask yourself where this feather idea originates from, or not, you probably already guessed right: Japan.

Known for their "unusual", "weird" and "unconvential" designs, trends and whatever else you would have thought never existed.

Beauty (trends) is known to be in the eye of the beholder. Some may find the feather lashes a bit too much over the top, others are gonna love them. Now you too can play Galliano-catwalk, just glue some feathers to your lashes. They are not hard to find, just do a google search for "feather eye lashes" and you’ll find tons of shops selling them. Ebay is another option. Here’s some examples:

found on

a bit of colour:

pink real feather eye lashes by Stargazer



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