Anything A Muslim Could Want

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Targeting Muslims:

Halal ski holiday in the French Alps. The Hotel “Les Rosiers” is one of the first to offer Halal Ski Vacations plus catering to the wants and needs of Muslim tourists.

Have you met Fulla the Muslim-Barbie? It’s no surprise that this wrapped up dolly is probably the best selling girl’s toy in the Arab world.

fulla_narrowweb__300x492,0 Barbie and Fulla holidaying in Jerusalem. Psst – How about a Halal Ski Vacation in France?

Have you ever wondered what a Muslim-friendly Bikini would look like? Here’s the Burqini, a cover-all-up swimsuit which resembles a diving suit but not as tight of course.


Apropos fashion, everybody’s got at least one pair of Designer jeans in the closet, right? Right. Does the modern Muslim wear Levi’s and Armani? Doubtful with this on the market and catering Designer quality straight to praying Muslims: the Al Quds Jeans

The precious stimuli and suggestions that come from the sacred Arab World and from ordinary, every day life are captured and brought to fruition in AL QUDS jeans satisfying the needs of a couture fashion line which arises from the most “cultural” gesture of the street: jeans made to pray in, jeans for those who choose a different path. It is a wider concept because it is a step made for the World, seductive original and distinguished.


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