The Fuss About Bento
Foodaholics know what it is: the Japanese art of food arrangement/decoration to make the edibles look cute and adorable. It’s an amazing craft and actually you don’t have to be a great cook to whip up something fabulous if you got enough time and patience. While it looks absolutely fantastic, even the vegetable dishes, it also looks like hard work.
It’s pretty popular as food in-a-box, like lunch boxes and stuff, I bet this would be incredibly popular at school lunches and trick the kids into eating vegetables. Very time consuming though, a working parent will hardly get up an hour early in the morning to prepare an artsy breakfast.But it looks so damn delicious and fabulous.
So this is Jen44‘s masterpiece of cute cucumber animals, chicken tosino, baby carrots and onigiri with nori cutouts.
If you’re interested in Bento food and recipes here’s a few good sites: Flickr pool bento boxes, for recipes and other stuff try cooking cute and even more bento on Lunch in a box. Enjoy.