Archive for November, 2007

Cute Kitty

What a cute kitty: “El Conquistador” is a Brazilian ocelet kitten and was born at the Louisville Zoo in September. Awwww, he’s just so cute! The birth is very significant and important for the species. There are only 26 Brazilian ocelots in American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) institutions nationwide. Science Daily

Web Hosting On The Cheap

Technorati tags: domain, registration, host, hosting, plans, cheap Everybody’s joined the blogging revolution, everybody’s got their own blog and everybody wants their own domain. It’s dead easy to get a free blog on the Internet but those free services offer you very limited resources and options. Unfortunately a lot of people resort to free hosting […]

Rotten Stuff: McDonald’s Fries Refuse To Decay

Technorati tags: youtube, burger, fries, pommes, wendys. kfc, donalds, fast, food, rotten, ekel, disgust, amazing, wow, wtf, crazy, mcdonalds This video demonstrates what we all secretly know: McDonald’s food is potentially evil, it just refuses to rot away! Just makes you wonder what the stuff does to your body. The clip shows various burgers like […]

Could It Be Google That’ll Finally Extinguish The Spam Of The Cyberworld?

Technorati tags: google, mail, spam, filter, email spam, email Perhaps not completely extinguish but according to Google there’s less E-mail Spam because of the efficacy of filters, which may suggest that lots of spammers have gotten discouraged and have stopped trying to get through Google’s spam filters. I’ve always thought that Gmail is the […]