Freedom rings? You don’t have to give out your real phone number…with Jangl

Rather than giving out your actual phone number to just any old
person over the internet, web site Jangl lets users hand out Jangl IDs
rather than phone numbers.

Once someone receives your ID, they can head over to, enter
the ID you gave them to get a number to call you at. It’s not your real
phone number, mind you – it’s a disposable number that will redirect to
your phone. Alternately, Jangl’s web site widget lets you incorporate
Jangl with your web site or blog (if you have one), letting anyone
enter their number to get your disposable number.

It might seem a little shady that you have to give Jangl your real
number in order to get someone else’s fake number, but your phone
number doesn’t actually go through to the other person, so both
parties’ privacy is protected. This seems like a potentially very
useful tool for letting people get through to you without exposing
yourself too much.

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