Archive for the 'Current Affairs' Category

Hairdresser Vs. Headscarf Poll

Technorati tags: telegraph, news, uk, uk news, discrimination, lawsuit Oh yeah btw: the Daily Mail’s latest poll is about the hairdresser who refused a job to a Muslim woman and it looks like the majority of people who voted actually have some common sense, way to go! That pretty much says it all doesn’t it?  […]

Hairdresser Sued Over Headscarf

Technorati tags: telegraph, news, uk, uk news, discrimination, lawsuit I’m getting increasingly annoyed with reading about supposed “religious discrimination” lawsuits against people who, in my opinion, haven’t done anything wrong whatsoever. One doesn’t get a job, one goes to sue for more than £15,000, to compensate for one’s hurt feelings plus an unspecified sum for […]

Kicked Out Of School For Some Bling!

Technorati tags: uk news, news, religion, religion ban, schools uk I’m actually all for banning religious related clothing, jewelry ect.. at public schools, since rules and guidelines apply to everyone, regardless of faith or race, why not abide? Why should they make an exception? If this is such a major issue to her, go somewhere […]

Trading Newspapers In For Websites

Technorati tags: papers, newspaper, news, online, internet, media I cannot remember the last time I picked up a newspaper to read it and I don’t think I have ever bought one. Yet I still stayed fairly up to date with current events and news. With the Internet on a constant rapid grow, do we still […]