Archive for the 'Love And Relationship Issues' Category

Getting The Vibes?

Technorati tags: dating, online, date, love, romance, internet How many dating sites do you know? Let me rephrase that… how many free dating sites do you know? Probably just a bunch. I’m a fan of all free services and let’s be honest, why should you pay anyway? There’s this cool free dating site that […]

How Important Is Family Today?

Technorati tags: family, marriage, children, relationships Family: A word that can mean a lot of different things to different people. How important is family today? Probably more important than ever when it comes to raising children and not turning them into psychopaths. Social instability roots deeply in early family life I think, although of course […]

Living Love: Things To Do With Your SO – On A Budget

Technorati Tags: love , relationship advice , relationships , love tips Love should be celebrated, daily. In one way or another. When we get into a relationship most of us secretly hope it will last forever. Unfortunately it doesn’t always work like that in the real world. I’m convinced some breakups could easily be avoided […]

What’s That All About?: Proposal To Mary

Technorati Tags: spam , spammer , proposal to mary , mary spam Mary, whoever you are, RUN! Spammer alert: This guy’s supposedly trying to propose to his girlfriend Mary via spam emails to strangers. And the story of spamming romance begins… And here is my idea: I will send out the proposal to Mary to […]